トップ > 発表論文(ー2009年)



  • Hano, T., Oshima, Y., Kinoshita, M., Tanaka, M., Wakamatsu, Y., Ozato, K., Nassef, M., Shimazaki, Y. and Honjo, T.
    In ovo nanoinjection of nonylphenol affects embryonic development of a transgenic see-through medaka (Oryzias latipes, olvas-GFP/STII strain.
    Chemosphere 77, 1594-1599. (2009)【PubMed
  • Nakamura S., Kurokawa, H., Asakawa, S., Shimizu, N. and Tanaka, M.
    Two distinct types of theca cells in the medaka gonad: Germ cell-dependent maintenance of cyp19a1-expressing theca cells.
    Dev. Dyn. 238, 2652-2657. (2009) 【PubMed
  • Saito, D. and Tanaka, M.
    Comparative aspects of gonadal sex differentiation in medaka: a conserved role of developing oocytes in sexual canalization.
    Sex. Dev. 3, 99-107. (2009) 【PubMed
  • Editors: Kinoshita, M., Naruse, K. and Tanaka, M.
    Medaka Biology, Management and Experimental Protocols Wiley Blackwel (2009)
    ISBN 978-0-8138-0871-0, total 399 pages 【詳細はこちら
メダカ dmrt1 の 3'UTR は、発現を生殖腺に局在させる機能があり、ショウジョウバエを含めた dmrt family で保存されているエレメントがあることが明らかとなる。
  • Herpin, A., Nakamura, S., Wagner,T., Tanaka, M. and Schartl, M.
    A highly conserved cis-regulatory motif directs differential gonadal synexpression of Dmrt1 transcripts during gonad development.
    Nucleic Acids Res. 35, 1510-1520. (2009) 【PubMed
メダカ nanos 遺伝子群のゲノムならびに発現をマウスと統合的に比較解析。
メダカには4種の nanos 遺伝子がある。
  • Aoki, Y., Nakamura, S., , Ishikawa, Y. and Tanaka, M.
    Expression and Syntenic Analyses of Four nanos Genes in Medaka.
    Zool. Sci. 26, 112-118 (2009) 【PubMed


  • Sasado, T., Yasuoka, A., Abe, K., Mitani, H., Furutani-Seiki, M., Tanaka, M. and Kondoh, H.
    Distinct contributions of CXCR4b and CXCR7/RDC1 receptor systems in regulation of PGC migration revealed by medaka mutants kazura and yanagi.
    Dev. Biol. 320, 328-329. (2008) 【PubMed
HeLa 細胞での生殖顆粒動態解析論文
  • Nakabayashi, T., Nagao, I., Kinjo, M., Aoki, Y., Tanaka, M. and Ohta, N.
    Stress-induced environmental changes in a single cell as revealed by fluorescence lifetime imaging.
    Photonchem. Photobiol. Sci. 7, 671-674. (2008) 【PubMed
BAC を用いた遺伝子導入メダカの作製法の解説 。
  • Nakamura, S., Saito, D. and Tanaka, M.
    Generation of transgenic medaka using modified bacterial artificial chromosome.
    Dev. Growth Differ. 50, 415-418. (2008) 【PubMed
  • Tanaka, M., Saito, D., Morinaga, C. and Kurokawa, H.
    Cross talk between germ cells and gonadal somatic cells is critical for sex differentiation of the gonads in the teleost fish, medaka (Oryzias latipes).
    Dev. Growth Differ. 50, 273-278. (2008) (Review Article) 【PubMed
生殖細胞中の3つの生殖顆粒成分(olvas, nanos, tdrd1)の局在が、生殖細胞分化につれて変化することを記した論文。
  • Aoki, Y., Nagao, I., Saito, D., Ebe, Y., Kinjo, M and Tanaka, M.
    Temporal and spatial localization of three germline-specific proteins in medaka.
    Dev. Dyn. 237, 800-807. (2008) 【PubMed
sox9b 発現細胞可視化メダカを用いて,性分化前の sox9b 発現細胞はセルトリ細胞(雄型支持細胞)と顆粒膜細胞(雌型支持細胞)の共通の前駆細胞であることを示した論文。生殖原基形態変化も記述。
  • Nakamura, S., Aoki, Y., Saito, D., Kuroki, Y., Fujiyama, A., Naruse, K. and Tanaka, M.
    Sox9b/sox9a2-EGFP transgenic medaka reveals the morphological reorganization of the gonads and a common presursor of both the female and male supporting cells.
    Mol. Reprod. Dev. 75, 472-476. (2008) 【PubMed
  • Nagao, I., Aoki, Y., Tanaka, M. and Kinjo, M.
    Analysis of the molecular dynamics of medaka nuage proteins by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching.
    FEBS J. 275, 341-349. (2008) 【PubMed


  • Kurokawa, H., Saito, D., Nakamura, S., Katoh-Fukui, Y., Baba, T., Morohashi, K. and Tanaka, M.
    Germ cells are essential for sexual dimorphism in the medaka gonad.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 16958-16963. (2007) 【PubMed】 【Press Release
生殖細胞分裂には幹細胞維持型分裂( I 型)と配偶子形成型分裂( II 型)とが区別でき、I 型からII型への移行が生殖腺性分化時の雄では抑制される。
  • Saito, D., Morinaga, C., Aoki, Y., Nakamura, S., Mitani, H., Furutani-Seiki, M., Kondoh, H. and Tanaka, M.
    Proliferation of germ cells during gonadal sex differentiation in medaka: insights from germ cell depleted mutant zenzai.
    Dev. Biol. 310, 280-290. (2007) 【PubMed
  • Morinaga, C., Saito, D., Nakamura, S., Sasaki, T., Asakawa, S., Shimizu, N., Mitani, H., Furutani-Seiki, M., Tanaka, M. (Corresponding Author) and Kondoh, H.
    The hotei mutation of medaka in the anti-Mu¨llerian hormone receptor causes the dysregulation of germ cell and sexual development.
    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104, 9691-9696. (2007) 【PubMed】 【Press Release
Hox 遺伝子(Abd-B クラス)の遺伝子発現解析論文。
  • Takamatsu, N., Kurosawa, G., Takahashi, M., Inokuma, R., Tanaka, M., Kanamori, A. and Hori, H.
    Duplicated Abd-B class genes in medaka hoxAa and hoxAb clusters exhibit differential expression patterns in pectoral fin buds.
    Dev. Genes Evol. 217, 263-273. (2007) 【PubMed
  • Hano, T., Oshima, Y., Kinoshita, M., Tanaka, M., Mishima, N., Ohyama, T., Yanagawa, T., Wakamatsu, Y., Ozato, K. and Honjo, T.
    Quantitative bioimaging analysis of gonads in olvas-GFP/ST-II YI medaka (transgenic Oryzias latipes) exposed to ethinylestradiol.
    Environ Sci Tech. 41, 1473-1479. (2007) 【PubMed


  • Saito, T., Fujimoto, T., Maekawa, S., Inoue, K., Tanaka, M., Arai, K and Yamaha, E.
    Visualization of primordial germ cells in vivo using GFP-nos1 3'UTR mRNA.
    Int. J. Dev. Biol. 50, 691-700. (2006) 【PubMed
  • Nakamura, S,. Kobayashi, D., Aoki, Y., Yokoi, H., Ebe, Y., Wittbrodt, J and Tanaka, M.
    Identification and lineage tracing of two population of somatic gonadal precursors in medaka embryos.
    Dev. Biol. 295, 678-688. (2006) 【PubMed
  • Kurokawa, H., Aoki, Y., Nakamura, S., Ebe, Y., Kobayashi, D and Tanaka, M.
    Time-lapse analysis reveals different modes of primordial germ cell migration in the medaka Oryzias latipes.
    Develop. Growth Differ. 48, 209-221. (2006) 【PubMed】【Press Release